Les Universités américaines devraient condamner le ghostwriting

Points clés

Dans PLoS Medecine du 2 février une enquête sur les politiques des Universités américaines pour condamner les auteurs fantômes :

"Of the 50 academic medical centers that we examined (Box 1), ten (20%) explicitly prohibit ghostwriting. Of these ten, seven (14%) include some definition of ghostwriting in their policy, while three (6%) prohibit ghostwriting without defining the term. Many schools have an authorship policy that does not clearly ban all aspects of ghostwriting (n = 13, 26%); the most common reason is a failure to require that all qualified authors be listed."

Un listing avec références des domaines les plus connus : "Ghostwriting was once the “dirty little secret” of the medical literature, but this no longer is the case. Pharmaceutical companies have used ghostwriting to market sertraline, olanzapine, gabapentin, estrogen replacement therapy, rofecoxib, paroxetine, methylphenidate, milnaciprin, venlafaxine, and dexfenfluramine. Ghostwriting is now known to be a major industry."

La pression devient forte et citer tous les auteurs devrait devenir la norme ! Qu'en est-il en France ??

Lacasse JR, Leo J (2010) Ghostwriting at Elite Academic Medical Centers in the United States. PLoS Med 7(2): e1000230. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000230

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