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Echanges d’emails hilarants entre une revue prédatrice et deux chercheurs (Gérard Reach et Donald Trump) : une conversation avec un robot ?

Points clés

Je remercie le Pr Gérard Reach qui m’a aimablement transmis ses correspondances avec une revue prédatrice et je le félicite pour ces échanges. Il s’agit de démontrer le fonctionnement bizarre de ces revues prédatrices.

Contacté par une revue prédatrice (L Smith de Medical Research Archives, avec des informations probablement fausses comme Phone: +1.612.524.5565, Online ISSN: 23751924, Print ISSN: 23751916, et PubMed ID: 101668511), G Reach a répondu qu’il proposerait un manuscrit. Il a expliqué qu’il travaillait avec le Dr Donald Trump, à la Maison Blanche. La revue a répondu à chaque email farfelu de G Reach. C’est hilarant, car G Reach a proposé de publier un essai COVID-19 avec Cyanide Chloride (CNCL2), puis ensuite avec chlorox et UVtherapy. Chaque fois, il donne des nouvelles de D Trump, avec surtout sa démission en novembre du laboratoire de recherche, etc…

C’est très bien fait et je vous suggère de lire tranquillement tous les échanges d’emails qui sont copiés ci-dessous. Le premier mail date du 27 avril 2020 et le dernier échange (19 Novembre) est pathétique (en bas de ce billet) : « I have terrible news. Unexpectedly, Dr Trump was not elected as the Director of the lab during the election last week aimed at electing the new team in charge of the direction of The Whitehouse Lab. Dr Trump seems to refuse this decision from the members of the lab, telling us that the election of the Director was FAKED (this is what he tweeted me).

Gérard Reach m’a indiqué le 3 décembre que ce dernier mail n’avait pas (encore) reçu de réponse.

Nous avons une question : est-ce que les réponses de la revue prédatrice MRA ont été faites par un robot ? Quel est votre avis ?

De : L. Smith, M.D. <>

Envoyé : lundi 27 avril 2020 15:47

À : REACH Gerard

Dear Dr. G. Reach,

I am hoping to contact the corresponding author of "Que sont devenues trois inventions du siècle dernier : l’Evidence-based medicine, l’éducation thérapeutique du patient, et l’application à la médecine du principe d’autonomie ?"

Would that be you? I was wondering if you are still working in this field as it aligns well with one of the theme issues I am planning for this year. Perhaps you could tell me more about your work in this area.

Could you please get in touch with me so we may discuss this?

Best Regards,

L Smith, M.D.

Medical Research Archives (MRAJ)


On April 27, 2020, 5:01 PM GMT+3 wrote:

Dear Dr Smith

Yes, I am the author of this article.

I may write for you a paper entitled Cyanide Chloride (CNCL2) as an adjunct therapy for people with COVID 19.

The authors would be myself (Gérard Reach, MD) and Donald Trump (MD, PHD, President D)

Best regards

Professor Gérard Reach

Copy to Donald Trump, White House


On April 30, 2020, 6:44 PM GMT+3 wrote:

Dear Dr. Gerard,

Thank you for your email. I think your work with Cyanide Chloride (CNCL2) as an adjunct therapy for people with COVID-19 would make an interesting addition to the theme issue.

What time frame did you have in mind?

I am attaching a sample article so you can get an idea of the style and format of the articles we publish. This mini review was authored by the John Hopkins Neurology department and I found it quite interesting.


L Smith, M.D.

Medical Research Archives


De : L. Smith, M.D. <>

Envoyé : mercredi 6 mai 2020 14:06

Dear Dr. Reach,

Did you get a chance to think more about the idea of contributing to the upcoming MRA's issue?


L Smith, M.D.

Medical Research Archives


On May 6, 2020, 4:16 PM GMT+3 wrote:

Dear Dr Smith:

I am waiting for the answer from my coauthor, Dr Donald Trump, MD, PhD, PrD. He seems to be currently very busy, developing other therapeutic approaches for COVID 19, including chlorox and UVtherapy.

Would you be interested by a paper on those promising novel therapeutic tools?

Best regards,

Gérard Reach


De : L. Smith, M.D. <>

Envoyé : mardi 12 mai 2020 21:52

Dear Dr. Reach,

Thank you for your mail and I apologize for the late response. Of course, these therapeutic tools are certainly of interest as well. Could you tell me more about it?

The current official submission deadline for the CNCL2 article is July 13th but we can extend it if needed. Would this work for you?


L Smith, M.D


On May 12, 2020, 11:22 PM GMT+3 wrote:

Dear Dr Smith

Dr Trump informed me recently that Chlorox per os and subcutaneous UVtherapy as treatments of severe forms of COVID-19 are currently tested in a large randomized multicenter trial; CHLORUV, launched by the NIH. We expect to have the results by July 1st.  Dr Trump and myself will need one month to analyse the data and write the paper. Would it be possible to submit this article in the Journal as a Rapid Communication by August 1st?

Best regards,

Gérard Reach, MD


De : L. Smith, M.D. <>

Envoyé : samedi 16 mai 2020 03:11

Dear Dr. Reach,

Thank you for your mail. The editorial board has agreed to work with you proposed timeline. Looking forward to reading the article.

Could you please complete the attached registration form and send it back to me?

Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


L Smith, M.D.

Medical Research Archives


On May 16, 2020, 6:23 AM GMT+3 wrote:

Dear Dr Smith

Many thanks for your kind answer.

I just spoke with my co-author, Dr Trump, MD, PhD, PrD. He told me that he may have difficulties in the next few weeks, as he is very busy in organizing the fight against COVID in our county, and that CHLORUV (the RCT aimed at validating the hypothesis that oral Chlorox (R) and subcutaneours UV are efficient inCOVID-19) may be delayed by two months. Furthermore, he told me that from September to November he may have to concentrate on his reelection at the head of the department.

Thus please ask the editorial board of the Journal if it would it be possible to postpone the deadline to December 15 for our manuscript?

Best regards

Gérard Reach MDn assistant of Dr Trump

Copy to Dt Trump, MD, PHd, PrDWhite House Labs


De : L. Smith, M.D. <>

Envoyé : lundi 17 août 2020 19:38

Dear Dr. Reach,

I hope all is well. We were in contact regarding a potential collaboration with our journal a few months ago, is now a better time to discuss this?


L Smith, M.D.


On August 17, 2020, 11:25 PM GMT+3 wrote:

Dear Dr Smith

I just spoke with my co-author, Dr Trump, MD, PhD, PrD. We recently got the final results of CHLORUV (ours scientists did a great job) and the data are being analyzed in depth through a special data mining technology designed by Dr Trump (proprietary method). Unfortunately, it seems at first glance that combined chlorox and UV therapy had no beneficial effect when compared to placebo. Furthermore higher number of people in the intervention group had harmful effects. We are therefore reluctant to submit these data to Medical Research Archives, unless you feel that it may be of interest for your readers. Feel free to give us a negative answer, we would propose it to a pharmacology journal.

Best regards

Gérard Reach MD, assistant of Dr Trump

Copy to Dt Trump, MD, PhD, PrD, White House Labs


De : L. Smith, M.D. <>

Envoyé : mercredi 19 août 2020 09:43

Dear Dr. Reach,

Thank you for your response. Indeed your work will certainly fit well into the theme issue.

What time frame did you have in mind?


L Smith, M.D.


On August 19, 2020, 1:27 PM GMT+3 wrote:

Dear Dr Smith,

Thank you, I repeat that these are essentially negative data, are you still interested in publishing them? Dr Trump and myself were surprised by your answer. He told me: if they accept to publish our stuff, these guys are GREAT GREAT people.

If you confirm your willing of publishing it I will prepare a first draft of the manuscript and submit it to Dr Trump. However, as I told you, he may be very busy until November, and usually he is very meticulous in the preparation of the final version of his papers and talks. Thus a submission for Xmas seems reasonable on my side.

Best regards,

Gérard Reach MD, assistant of Dr Trump

Copy to Dt Trump, MD, PhD, PrD, White House Labs


De : L. Smith, M.D. <>

Envoyé : jeudi 20 août 2020 10:50

Dear Dr. Reach,

Thank you for your mail. Our editorial board has agreed to work with your tentative submission deadline, however, they only request if you could aim for November. I look forward to reading the manuscript.

Could you return the registration form so that we may prepare for your submission?


L Smith, M.D.

Medical Research Archives


On August 20, 2020, 2:08 PM GMT+3 wrote:

Dear Dr Smith,

I asked Dr Trump. It seems impossible to submit the paper in November. As I informed you in a previous mail, we will have the elections, and Dr Trump hopes to be reelected as the head of the lab. Thus he will be very busy when he comes back from Florida, will be under a TREMENDOUS PRESSURE (he used this words in his mail), having to write many reports, and on my side I do my best to help him. This is why we can only promise something for the end of the year.

However, if this does not fit with your publication program, we would perfectly understand. Would a submission by December 23 be OK?


Gérard Reach MD, assistant of Dr Trump

Copy to Dt Trump, MD, PhD, PrD, White House Labs


On August 21, 2020, 12:07 PM GMT+3 wrote:

Dear Dr. Reach,

Thank you for your response. I understand. Lets stay in touch.


L Smith, M.D.


De : L. Smith, M.D. <>

Envoyé : jeudi 19 novembre 2020 11:13

Dear Dr. Reach,

I hope all is well. We were in contact regarding a potential collaboration with our journal a few months ago, is now a better time to discuss this?


L Smith, M.D. 


Envoyé : jeudi 19 novembre 2020 11:13

Dear Dr Smith

I have terrible news.

Unexpectedly, Dr Trump was not elected as the Director of the lab during the election last week aimed at electing the new team in charge of the direction of The Whitehouse Lab.

Dr Trump seems to refuse this decision from the members of the lab, telling us that the election of the Director was FAKED (this is what he tweeted me). I tried to do my best to convince him that his time is over. If nothing happens, we may have to fire him next week.

He is now furious against me and told me that he was no more interested in publishing the CHLORUV study. So I have the sad duty to announce you that we give up publishing these data, although they clearly demonstrated that neither CHLOROX nor UV therapy have any beneficial effect on the COVID-19 outcomes. Some of the patients in the intervention group, especially those in the CHLOROX arm had severe digestive side effects, not seen in the placebo group, and this may be per se of interest.

I understand that you may be disappointed by our decision. We will certainly have other subjects of collaboration in the future.

Your faithfully

Dr Gérard Reach, MD, ex-assistant of Dr Donald Trump, MD, PHD, PRD.

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4 commentaires

  • Mr Reach se croit très drôle, et veut probablement faire concurrence aux comiques Bigard, ou au Raoult de Marseillet. Les revues prédatrices, il connaît il suffit de lire sa liste de publications, pour vendre toujours sa même soupe sur le respect des prescriptions médicales par les patients… grave problème…en effet…

  • Cher Professeur Pomme
    Je ne suis pas d’accord avec vous.
    1. La revue « Patient Prefer Adherence » ne semble pas être une revue prédatrice.
    2. Les sujets sur lesquels publie le Pr Reach ne vous intéressent pas ? Moi non plus, c’est très loin de mon domaine. Mais c’est un sujet important qui mérite des études bien faites comme celles que publie le Pr Reach, qui publie également de nombreux articles didactiques dans la Revue du Praticien et Médecine Sciences.
    3. L’impact factor de « Patient Prefer Adherence » est très faible ? C’est le signe que, malheureusement, trop peu de confrères s’intéressent à ce problème dérangeant.
    4. Je n’ai pas trouvé votre liste de publications dans PubMed. Publieriez-vous exclusivement dans des revues non indexées ?
    5. Le sourire dans notre profession est toujours le bienvenu et je remercie le Pr Reach de m’avoir fait rire plus franchement que les lâchers de salopes du Pr Bigard ou que les élucubrations contradictoires du Pr Raoult, qui m’ont au contraire attristé.
    6. Je remercie au passage Hervé Maisonneuve pour avoir diffusé cet échange de mails.
    Bref, il ne faudrait pas nous prendre pour des pommes.
    Bien cordialement,
    Jacques Robert

  • Mr Robert. Pomme n’est qu’un surnom bien sûr.
    Publier 100 fois la même chose en français d’abord, en anglais parfois, comme le fait Mr Reach participe aussi à cette inondation de revues et d’articles sans le moindre intérêt, juste pour faire croire, et explique aussi le niveau proche du zéro de la presse dite médicale (sic) française, dont il n’existe pratiquement plus rien.
    Il y a bien assez de choses nouvelles à découvrir que les radotages prébendés d’un Reach et de sa bande, comme celles du Raoult, le pet de Marseille, tous les 2 avec leur bande respective … juste pour leur pauvre et tout petit commerce.
    Les republications devraient être interdites et sanctionnées.

  • Personnellement j’ai reçu une centaine de demande de ce monsieur L. Smith de soumettre un article à ce journal . Et même en le bloquant en spams, il arrive à renvoyer d’autres demandes en modifiant légèrement l’adresse e-mail…
    Des centaines d’autres envoient le même principe et les bloquer ne suffit malheureusement pas à arrêter le fléau
    C’est une vrai plaie ces journaux prédatrices et espérant qu’un jour on arrivera à les éradiquer même si la mission semble impossible
    Au fond rien n’est drôle dans ces affaires


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