L’improbable existe dans les revues prédatrices : même article mais auteurs différents (Kenya)

Points clés

Tout est permis et possible avec les revues trompeuses ou prédatrices..  Cet exemple est incroyable : le même article (Cultural orientation and customer satisfaction – A study of African airlaines) mais dans deux revues différentes :

  • avec un auteur du Kenya (Githaiga N) dans la revue prédatrice ‘Journal of Economic and Business Studies’ ; article reçu 16 novembre et publié le 24 novembre 2019 ; compte tenu du risque de disparition de la revue, j’ai archivé le pdf ;
  • avec deux auteurs dont l’affiliation n’est pas précisée (Lukas Maina Njeru & Thomas Kimeli Cheruiyot) dans la revue prédatrice ‘Journal of Strategic Management‘ ; volume 3n numéro 4 de novembre 2019 (pas de date précise d’acceptation) ; compte tenu du risque de disparition de la revue, j’ai archivé le pdf ; N Githaiga m’a donné leur adresse (Moi University, Kenya) en informant que les auteurs des deux articles ont travaillé ensemble ! J’ai plein d’emails bizarres sur ce cas !!!

J’ai bien lu et il y a quelques différences très mineures sur des retours de paragraphes, sur deux lignes oubliées ou ajoutées dans le tableau 2, et les mises en pages des illustrations diffèrent. Qui a plagié qui ? Qui a volé qui ? ….    En fait l’un des auteurs ne serait pas l’auteur. Voici la copie de l’email qu’il m’a envoyé en copie le 20 janvier 2020 :  » Hello Editor Pubtexto, I raised this matter earlier on. I’m not the author of this paper. I forwarded the paper on behalf of Lucas Njeru as shown in the manuscript.  Kindly pull down the paper and exercise due diligence and professionalism. Nderitu Githaiga « . Vous trouverez une partie des email de la rédaction ci-dessous… Je remercie Olivier Furrer pour l’information.

african airlines 1

african airlines 2

Hello there,

Thanks for your email. I raised the issue with the publisher. I’m not the author but lucas njeru.
See the email below.
Nderitu Githaiga


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Peter Nderitu Githaiga Kimathi <kgithaiga@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2019, 21:16
Subject: Re: Galley-proof-J Econ Bus Stud 2(8): 143
To: Editor Josh H <Editor.JoshH@outlook.com>


Dear editor and thanks for the email. Kindly note that I am not an author of the article, the authors are Lucas Njeru and Thomas Kimeli Cheruiyot, Moi University.  Mine was to assist them find an outlet for their work. Kindly make the necessary corrections. Also, I will forward this to the authors for action.

On Fri, 22 Nov 2019, 19:35 Editor Josh H, <Editor.JoshH@outlook.com> wrote:

Dear Dr.  Githaiga N,

I trust my email finds you and your family members in good health

Your article entitled “Cultural Orientation and Customer Satisfaction – A Study of African Airlines. We would request you to check the final PDF attached and let us know if any corrections are required. Please mark/mention the corrections in the same author proof; we will make the changes accordingly.

The article is accepted to publish under Open Access with an Unique DOI

You are requested to pay 919USD and a Link will be sent on your opinion to clear from your card

Why did author need to pay?

We are a non-profit organization we don’t receive funding from any source. So, in order to run the open-access journal in an organized manner it is required to pay minimum processing charges. we do have to pay for, articles need graphics, formatting, and the editing services, licensed software’s, maintaining published articles in online repositories and many others in order to meet rigorous academic standards. In addition, however, we are paid, employees.

Why the publication charge?

We are an initiative to provide publishing opportunities to young researchers. We  promotes the publication of quality research papers. Journal cover the costs partially through article processing fees. Our expenses are split among editorial costs, electronic composition and production, journal information system, manuscript management system, electronic archiving, overhead expenses, and administrative costs. Moreover, we must cover the costs of publishing the accepted article plus the cost of processed articles.

Dear you have my word I am promising you

If you feel the charges are still high please let me know to have a word with my journal head and editorial board

I can give my best to you

Please let us know your response, along with the galley proof corrections.

Feel free to contact us for any further queries or information in this regard.

Thanks & Regards,

Josh H 

Production Editor

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