Enquête auprès d’étudiants et jeunes chercheurs sur leurs pratiques de l’intelligence artificielle pour leur formation

Points clés

Je n’ai pas pour habitude de relayer des demandes d’enquêtes, mais celle ci me paraît originale et utile pour comparer la France aux autres pays dans le domaine de l’IA (Intelligence Artificielle). Elle provient de la meilleure équipe de journalologie au Canada, dirigée par David Moher. Le centre de journalologie est à Ottawa et a fait un travail remarquable sur les revues prédatrices. Je connais cette équipe depuis longtemps, et bien avant la formalisation de ce centre. David était parmi les experts des mouvements EBM.

chatbot moherL’IA est là pour rester : il faut s’y mettre

J’ai regardé l’arrivée de ces LLM (Large Language Models) et maintenant, je suis totalement convaincu qu’ils sont là pour rester et que nous devons les utiliser. J’ai commencé quelques expériences, et c’est très utile…  Il faut apprendre à faire un prompt (requête), découvrir les hallucinations (fausses informations). Pour écrire des articles de revue générale, c’est utile, etc…

J’ai repris ci-dessous la demande provenant de ce centre de journalologie : il s’agit d’une enquête auprès de jeunes chercheurs sur leurs pratiques de ces LLMs dans le domaine de la formation. Les questions sont intéressantes, et certaines explorent l’utilisation de l’IA pour former les étudiants, ainsi que les formations à l’IA existantes dans les universités…   Est-ce que votre institution forme les étudiants et les jeunes chercheurs pour utiliser correctement ces LLMs ? Est-ce que l’IA va remplacer les enseignants ?

Je serai heureux de voir que la France est représentée parmi les pays répondeurs ++++

Voici la demande et le lien

Subject Line: Invitation to Participate in Survey of Attitudes and Perceptions of University Students and Postdoctoral Fellows in Biomedicine Towards the Use of AI Chatbots (e.g., ChatGPT) in the Educational Process

Dear Student or Postdoctoral Fellow:

My name is Dr. Jeremy Y. Ng and I am a postdoctoral research associate working under the supervision of Dr. David Moher at the Centre for Journalology at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. As you undertake your academic training, you may have heard of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots such as Bing Chat, ChatGPT, YouChat, and Google Bard, and perhaps you may have even used them! I am conducting a research study surrounding attitudes and perceptions of university students and postdoctoral fellows in biomedicine towards the use of these AI chatbots, specifically in the educational process, and I hope that you will be willing to partake in our short survey!

AI chatbots are programs designed to simulate conversations with human users through text or speech. Some well-known examples include Bing Chat, ChatGPT, YouChat, and Google Bard, although this list is by no means exhaustive. In response to prompts and questions, these AI chatbots can generate relevant responses and material (e.g., text, images, figures, etc.) on a variety of topics. As you may already know, AI chatbots have recently taken the world by storm, and have been used for many purposes, including customer service, mental health support, and healthcare. In recent months, there has been growing interest in the use of AI chatbots in the educational process, and perhaps you have used them to assist you with your own academic learning activities.

This study will be the first to provide a current, large-scale and international perspective on students’ and postdoctoral fellows’ attitudes and perceptions towards the use of AI chatbots in the educational process. Your participation will provide valuable insights into how the student community perceives and accepts the use of AI chatbots in academic settings. The results of our survey may help inform the development and implementation of educational initiatives surrounding the use of AI chatbots in higher education settings and address potential concerns or barriers that students and school administrators may have regarding their use.

By completing the survey, you are providing your consent to participate in the study. Your participation is voluntary. Your responses will be completely anonymous. We anticipate the survey taking approximately 15 minutes to complete.

If you would like to participate in this study, please click on the link below to view the consent form and access the survey:


Please note that this is an open survey, and thus, regardless of whether you yourself are eligible to complete this survey, we invite you to share the survey link with any students within your academic institution and network of collaborators to also participate in our survey. Please do not complete the survey more than once.

Thank you,

Dr. Jeremy Y. Ng, MSc, PhD (on behalf of the research team)

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