Attention aux prédateurs qui vous sollicitent pour des articles : vous aurez à payer 1500 $ pour être publié

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Voici un exemple d'email reçu le 8 mars 2013 et qui provient d'une revue d'un groupe appelé OMICS . Attention, ne vous faites pas abuser…   car si le message vous honore, il ne dit pas que vous aurez à payer 1500 US dollars pour publier. OMICS pprétend avoir bientôt 300 revues scientifiques, organise des conférences aux USA, et fait bien partie de la liste des prédacteurs.... de J Beall. Voici un exemple, et si vous avez ce message, transférez le dans vos spams :

Dear Dr. Herve Maisonneuve,

Greetings from the Journal of Family Medicine & Medical Science Research. 
We are very happy to send a message for an eminent person like you. 
Journal of Family Medicine & Medical Science Research is successfully released its Volume 1, Issue 1 in the month of December with the support of eminent contribution across the globe. 
Please go through the URL for the released issue: 

FMMSR publishes original research, review papers. OMICS Group strongly supports the Open Access initiative.

OMICS Group is ardent about Open Access and strongly believes that removing barriers to accessing research published online will greatly aid to the progress of research within scientific and technical disciplines.

If possible, I would appreciate receiving your submission or let me know your possibility regarding submission date. 
Submit manuscript at 
(OR) by e-mail to 
Please visit : for instructions and world quality editorial board members. 
We would like to request a Research/Review article/Case Reports to our journal. 

If you are interested, please kindly submit to publish in our upcoming issue, otherwise please suggest the others. 

Best Regards 
Das K 
Editorial Office 
OMICS Publishing Group


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