Vols d’articles publiés pour lancer des revues… dites prédactrices

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HimlayaJe ne résiste pas à l'envie de vous copier des messages de rédacteurs sur le groupe de discussion de EASE. Pas besion d'expliquer car je vous mets souvent en garde contre les escrocs, les prédateurs, etc.. et ils sont nombreux ! Voici le message de Angela Turner (Nottingham, UK) :

"A journal calling itself the 'Himalayan Journal of Social and Natural Sciences' has stolen several articles from past issues of my journal and published them as their own! They stripped the articles of all material that identified my journal, didn't say they had been previously published in Animal Behaviour and even claimed sole copyright. One of our authors noticed the republication of the article when she was searching on Google Scholar; she knew nothing about it before that. She is rightly worried that people might believe she is submitting papers to more than one publication and that people will cite the false publication instead of the real one. When we had a look at the journal's website we noticed other articles had been stolen too, in fact all but one of the articles in the list of contents were from Animal Behaviour. This isn't the first case of this type of journal plagiarism. In May this year 'The Scientist' reported two other journals doing the same thing.
The journals had also put people on their editorial boards without asking them first. This may have come up in the EASE Forum too, so apologies for mentioning it again if that is the case.
The lawyers at Elsevier, my publishers, are considering what to do."

Un autre commentaire sur ce forum :

"Angela has uncovered serendipitously a type of fraud, which is slowly taking hold on the publishing world, esp in the south and southeast Asian countries. Recently my department received a bunch of beautifully typeset, and professionally designed books in geology, with just the editor's name on the cover. The books had broad geology titles, which would make them appear to be textbooks. But closer examination of the contents revealed them to have a collection of unrelated chapters plagiarized and stripped of all identification marks, having been extracted from obscure proceedings volumes!
This fraud is not easy to detect, and the original publishers might never find out because they themselves were quite obscure. The ultimate loser would be any library which acquires the books without an in-depth inspection of the contents.

Dr.A.P.Pradeepkumar, Reader, Dept of Geology, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India 695581"

Les prédateurs sont nombreux et Jeffrey Beall en cite de nouveaux régulièrement sur son blog. Cette semaine, il évoque le pire avec Indian Streams Research Journals : faux facteurs d'impact, mauvais anglais, comité de rédaction confus, etc…

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