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Synthèse excellente d’une formation pour écrire un article de recherche : tout est dit en quelques mots

Points clés

Writing research paperCet éditorial est concis et très utile. Il apporte les éléments principaux à connaître pour écrire un article de recherche. Il a été publié dans International Journal of Radiation Oncology en mars 2020. Quelques bonnes idées :

commencez votre projet de rédaction 6 mois avant…

chosissez 6 illustrations au plus vite et travaillez pour les rendre très lisibles

Ce n'est pas un jeu de piste, une énigme et le lecteur doit anticiper chaque paragraphe comme vous allez l'écrire. Au début 'Lock your 6 figures'…  c'est la priorité.

Voici le conseil pour le premier paragraphe de l'introduction :

  • a. Paragraph 1: Big picture. However, I would avoid first sentences such as
    • i.“There are 52,000 cases of pancreas cancer each year”
    • ii.“Pancreas cancer is a terrible disease and new treatments are urgently needed”
    • Anyone who is reading your paper will know this. Why waste words boring your readers with what they already know?

Quelques conseils de style :

  • Every paragraph has a structure. A topic sentence states what the paragraph is about. This is followed by a series of statements unified by this concept by content or chronology. A concluding sentence bridges to the next paragraph. It makes the paper much easier to follow.
  • Active voice makes a paper more fun to read.
  • Avoid needless words. My “hit list” includes “the fact that,” “it has been shown that,” “clearly,” “importantly,” and “consistently.” None of these words contain information. If the statement is not “important” or “clear,” stating that it is does not make it so. Another example is “a viable option.” I try putting the opposite of the word in its place: “a nonviable option.” If it is not viable, it is not much of an option, so “an option” should suffice.
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