De temps en temps, le week-end pour nous détendre, nous lisons le Journal of Irreproductible Results, et en août 2010, provenant de l'Université de Tel Aviv, le résumé d'un article :
"Various physical and behavioral parameters of animals are related to ambient temperature. For example, cooperative breeding in birds is more common in low than high latitudes. In warm-blooded animals, races from warm regions are smaller than races from cold regions (Bergman's rule).
We predicted that ambient temperature is related to perceived corruption of countries, and that corruption is more prevalent in warm countries than cold ones. We used the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), an annual measure of countries's perceived corruption, and examined the relationship between CPI and mean annual temperature of the capital of each country.
We found that our prediction is held, and warm countries are significantly more corrupt than cold ones. We suggest ascribing this phenomenon to the fact that people living in warm countries often display greater fidelity to their family, tribe or larger social group than to society in general and its laws. Exceptions to this relationship (Singapore and Hong Kong in warm climates, Italy and Russia in colder ones) are discussed".
Yom-Tov Y et al. Does the physical environment influence political corruption? JIR 2010;51:11-15.