Une enquête internationale sur « qui doit être auteur pour les publications d’essais supportés par une industrie ? »

Points clés

MarusicAna Marusic travaille depuis plusieurs années sur l'attribution de la paternité des articles : qui doit être auteur ? Difficile et controversé. Ana a publié la meilleure revue systématique sur ce sujet. Elle continue ses recherches, et voudrait avoir des réponses à une enquête qui présente 7 scénarios, suivis de questions. Intéressant, j'ai fait l'enquête et les réponses sont difficiles…  avant de vous lancer, je vous montre 3 des 7 scénarios, qui sont suivis chacun de 2 questions. Avez-vous des avis pour répondre ? Allez faire l'enquête (10 minutes).

  1. The trial team of a large multicenter clinical study completed a first draft of a manuscript and began revisions. The lead clinical investigator wants to extend an invitation for authorship to a statistician, who is part of the trial team from the company sponsoring the clinical study. The lead clinical investigator believes the statistician contributed substantially to data analysis and interpretation. The trial team notes this statistician has not participated in trial design or drafting of the manuscript to date. 

  • A clinical investigator involved with an industry-sponsored clinical trial enrolled the most patients from dozens of investigators. This clinical investigator did not contribute to the trial design, but was involved with the day-to-day management of the trial at their institution. This clinical investigator feels the number of recruited patients and daily trial management duties were substantial and this contribution merits an invitation for authorship on the manuscript. 
  • A clinical investigator made substantial contributions to trial design, data analysis, and manuscript revisions, and is listed as an author on a manuscript prior to submission. At a late stage of revising the manuscript, the clinical investigator expresses disagreement with the data interpretation and conclusions as stated in the manuscript and does not want to be listed as an author or be acknowledged in the publication. For the purpose of this case, assume this clinical investigator represents a dissenting view despite rigorous and robust scientific debate. Also assume there are no ethical or integrity issues with the study conduct or data reporting, this is purely a difference of scientific interpretation. 
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