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Fraude dans les essais cliniques : problème complexe, solutions simples ? Quatre bons articles.

Points clés

TruanderieJ'ai traduit le titre d'un éditorial à paraître dans le numéro de janvier 2016 de International Journal of Clinical Oncology (Springer). Cet éditorial annonce 4 article sur ce thème de la fraude dans les essais.

Design, conduct and analysis : Improper design or analysis; Selective reporting; Over-interpretation of results; Data dredging (P-hacking); Study weaknesses not described; Misrepresentation of design, statistical methodology or data; Subgroup and post hoc analysis not identified as such; Improper analysis of missing data; Ignoring outliers; Sloppiness or incompetence
Publication and authorship: Failure to publish; Agreement not to publish; Gift authorship; Redundant publications
Patient safety: Failure to follow protocol safety requirements; Failure to obtain proper informed consent; Failure to obtain appropriate prior approval for research; Failure to report adverse events
Other: Misuse of funds; Conflicts of interest; Refusal to share data

Merci à Junichi Sakamoto

PS : je peux passer les pdf si besoin

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