Sur Nature Index, le 24 mars 2020, une interview de l'inventeur du H-index, Jorge Hirsch : What's wrong with the H-index, according to its inventor “Severe unintended negative consequences”. J Hirsch, physicien à l'Université de Californie a hésité en 2005 avant de publier son index, et il ne s'attendait pas à ce succès.
L'article a repris des données de 2012 (image) avec les H-index moyens de 2300 chercheurs… à méditer. L'interview se termine ainsi : "
Hirsch urges hiring committees and funding agencies to consider other aspects of a candidate’s career when making decisions, such as discipline, author position, and how many collaborators a researcher works with.
“One has to look at the nature of the work,” says Hirsch. “If you make decisions just based on someone’s H-index, you can end up hiring the wrong person or denying a grant to someone who is much more likely to do something important. It has to be used carefully.”
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