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Les diapos du congrès de mai 2009 du CSE

Points clés

Le Council of Science Editors a tenu son congrès annuel et les diapositives des présentations sont consultables en ligne (accès gratuit). C'est une bonne source d'information, et j'ai sélectionné quelques uns des thèmes qui peuvent nous intéresser :

Keynote Address | What's the Matter with Memory?
Elizabeth Loftus PhD, Distinguished Professor, University of California, Irvine

A1. Why Should Editors Do Research?
A3. Conflict of Interest: Issues, Policy, and Practice
B1. Bridging the Geographic Science Gap: Modes of Quantitative Analysis for Scientific Papers
B2. Science Editing Goes Global: CSE International Scholars, Editor Link, and AuthorAID
C1. Bridging the Geographic Science Gap: Editors' View of Evaluating and Rating Scientific Papers
C2. Industry Update: What You Need to Know about the Initiatives of Professional Societies
C3. How to Ensure the Integrity of Research Data in Published Papers: Images, Statistics, and the Editors' Role
D1. What Do We Know about Editorial Decision Making?
D2. The Evidence on Open Access
F1. How Do We Minimize Bias in Peer Review?
F3. How to Communicate with the Media…and Stay Out of Trouble
H1. Control C, Control V: Plagiarism Detection in a Web 2.0 World
H2. What Editors Need to Know about the Required Registration of Clinical Trials and its Impact on Publishing Clinical Trial Results

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