Lancet et EBM : 125 millions de coïts/jour !

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Le Lancet n'a jamais été un journal sérieux car il ne manque pas de publier des lettres surprenantes. Je préfère vous copier intégralement la lettre ci-dessous parue dans le numéro du 7 novembre 2209 :

"Your journal prides itself on evidence-based science and rightly demands accurate citation for statistical statements. However, in your Comment on “Sex, rights, and politics—from Cairo to Berlin” (Aug 29, p 674), the opening statement makes the following revelation: “Sex happens: 125 million times each and every day.” Since the statement is unreferenced, one presumes that the authors are quoting from personal research. In the interests of scientific fact, might I ask how they arrived at this statistic and who did the counting and how?

I declare that I have no conflicts of interest."
O'Brien E. Global Intercourse. The lancet 2009;374:1596.
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