Un rédacteur du Lancet basé à Pékin

Points clés

Le Lancet reconnait l'importance de l'Asie et surtout de la Chine en publiant de nombreux articles sur la Chine dans son numéro du 27 mars 2010.

The emphasis on China in today's themed issue of The Lancet builds on the previous series on health-care developments in China, published in October, 2008. This issue brings together two commissioned theme papers, one research article submitted in response to open solicitation, and five invited Comments
The Lancet's two China collections, in 2008 and 2010, illustrate the deepening engagement of Chinese academics in the global health sciences. The recent appointment of a Lancet Asia editor based in Beijing augers well for the journal's future publications on health in China. Just as China has much to learn from international science, China also has much to share for the mutual benefit of the entire global health community.
Nous avons déjà averti les lecteurs de ce blog :La Chine dépassera les USA avant 2020 pour les publications scientifiques en langue anglaise !
Han Q et al. Recent scientific health development in China. The Lancet 2010;375:1055-1056.
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