Nous ne manquons pas d’abréviations dans le domaine des recommandations pour écrire des articles. Voici Genetic RIsk Prediction Studies ou GRIPS, dans le très sérieux PLoS Medicine de mars 2011. Ces recos sont pour les articles sur des recherches, et voici les « Summary points » :
- The rapid and continuing progress in gene discovery for complex diseases is fueling interest in the potential application of genetic risk models for clinical and public health practice.
- The number of studies assessing the predictive ability is steadily increasing, but the quality and completeness of reporting varies.
- A multidisciplinary workshop sponsored by the Human Genome Epidemiology Network developed a checklist of 25 items recommended for strengthening the reporting of Genetic RIsk Prediction Studies (GRIPS), building on the principles established by prior reporting guidelines.
- These recommendations aim to enhance the transparency of study reporting, and thereby to improve the synthesis and application of information from multiple studies that might differ in design, conduct, or analysis.
Janssens ACJW, et al. (2011) Strengthening the Reporting of Genetic Risk Prediction Studies: The GRIPS Statement. PLoS Med 8(3): e1000420