Impressionant dans PLoS Genetics : interview de la Chairman de biologie cellulaire à Harvard

Points clés

Fêtons le 14 juillet avec cet exemple : en juin 2011, PLoS Genetics publie une longue interview très plaisante d'une française qui est "Chair of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard". Je ne connais pas Catherine Dulac de Montpellier qui parle de la France en bien, qui aime les huitres,..ayant étudié le latin, le grec, l'allemand et le russe.. mais pas l'anglais à l'école. Très belle carrière, pas terminée, mais je note dans l'interview :Dulac 
"I love France. The idea of staying in a foreign country was impossible to me. However, there was a problem. I could see from being at Columbia what people after doing a successful post-doc would get: an independent lab, an independent budget, etc. And when I tried to see what I could get in France, it was very clear that all I could get was to go into somebody else's lab with maybe a bench or so. And it made it impossible for me to come back to France right away.   I feel very grateful to my country that gave me what I consider to be an incredibly high quality education. And I feel that we serve our countries, and for me going back to France and being a scientist and teacher in France was my way of giving back. But somehow France wasn't offering me the chance to do so.   It is tough when you go through a PhD and a post-doc with absolutely top science that you are then being asked to forget all of this because you are not given the means to achieve the top level in France."


Gitschier J. Vive la différence: an interview with Catherine Dulac. PLoS Genetics 2011;è(6):e1002140

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