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Lancet : numéro spécial 9/11 pour le 10ème anniversaire

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9/11: ten years on   Comme annoncé, c'est un numéro spécial du Lancet sur la tragédie du 11 septembre 2001. Impossible de résumer mais à lire absolument… Belles contributions, mais triste….   Des extraits de l'éditorial :

9__11  "Ten years after the September 11 attacks, New York City remains profoundly affected. An important focus today is on surveillance of World Trade Center (WTC) survivors and their long-term mental and physical health. In 2010, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act was established, providing $2·8 billion for those with illnesses linked to exposure to WTC dust and debris, and another $1·5 billion for those who need treatment and monitoring. The families of the almost 3000 victims, together with first responders, endure considerable health issues that need continued attention.

The health of deployed troops and veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan is a further urgent concern. An estimated 46 000 US military personnel are currently serving in Iraq, with 98 000 deployed in Afghanistan. Compared with the previous Gulf war, several conditions are now more prevalent in returning troops: traumatic brain injuries (TBI), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, suicide, alcohol misuse, and aggressive and abusive behaviour towards others. An estimated 10—20% of those who see heavy combat develop PTSD, while more than 300 000 cases of TBI have been observed since 2001—diseases with overlapping, sometimes difficult to characterise symptoms, that complicate accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Even though military health-care spending has risen twice as fast as overall US health-care costs—from $19 billion in 2001 to a projected $51·2 billion in 2011—the US Government has been criticised for not allocating sufficient funds for veterans' treatment, rehabilitation, and research. The mental health of military family members has also been too often neglected. Recent observations suggest that anxiety and depression in children are associated with the absence of a parent on active military service.

The events of 9/11 not only represent an example of a local act with global consequences, but also an instance where poverty and perceived injustice can contribute to catastrophic global instability and insecurity. It is now abundantly clear that human-made crises will, if not resolved decisively through politics and diplomacy, create the conditions for human-made disasters. But this anniversary should also remind us that the incomprehensible, large-scale loss of human life can obscure the small and terrifying tragedies that befall individuals and families. The tenth anniversary of 9/11 should be about the people who died, together with the families and communities that have been left behind—not only in America, but also in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all places that have suffered terrorist-related incidents worldwide."

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Un commentaire

  • merci pour cette commémoration,
    examinant régulièrement des commerçants ayant été victimes de braquage à main armée, j’ai maintes fois constaté les ravages que la « mort en face » déclenche sur le psychisme des individus qui en sont victimes sous forme d’une névrose de stress post traumatique avec arrêts de travail de longue durée. Je n’ose imaginer ce que celà donne chez des militaires dont ça a été le quotidien! J’en aussi commémoré ce triste anniversaire sur mon blog:
    Merci encore


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