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Les 36 commandements pour les auteurs, relecteurs et rédacteurs

Points clés

 The association for psychological science a publié il y a quelques années (The Academic Observer), 3 articles dont je vous ai extrait les intertitres. Souvent, des collègues me demandent des conseils pour être relecteurs, voire parfois rédacteur d'une revue. Les 12 items pour les rédacteurs me semblent utiles… allez cliquer sur le lien qui vous intéresse pour avoir accès à l'article complet…

Twelve Tips for Reviewers

1. Know your mission.

2. Be speedy.

3. Read carefully.

4. Say positive things in your review.

5. Don’t exhibit hostility or mean-spiritedness in your review.

6. Keep it brief.

7. Don’t nitpick.

8. Develop a good reviewing style.

9. Be careful in recommending further experimentation.

10. Watch for egocentrism.

11. Make a recommendation about the paper, unless the instructions from the editor tell you not to.

12. Sign your review.

Twelve Tips for Editors

1. Make the journal your top priority.

2. Be efficient.

3. Pick your editorial board with care.

4. Select reviewers carefully, with an aim to getting a range of opinions.

5. Treat associate editors well.

6. Try to accept papers that advance the field.

7. Write good action letters; be concise and be as kind as possible.

8. Don’t routinely send papers out for re-review.

9. Try to keep your editorial criterion relatively consistent over the years.

10. Don’t give in to special pleading.

11. Discourage replies and counter-replies.

12. Always remember: It’s the author’s paper, not your paper.

Twelve Tips for Authors

1. Tell a good story.

2. Don’t have too many subplots.

3. Create an outline.

4. Provide a good title.

5. Write an interesting and self-contained abstract.

6. Short is better (in general).

7. Don’t paralyze the reader with your results sections.

8. Beware the curse of knowledge.

9. Revision is the key to effective writing.

10. Find appropriate models.

11. Avoid excessive abbreviations and acronyms.

12. Constantly work to improve your writing.


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