Danger, danger : les revues prédatrices sont bien faites et piègent facilement les naïfs… je rencontre trop d’experts naïfs

Points clés
J Oncotarget J Sleep J Infe non infJ'ai regardé la revue Oncotarget et tout fait croire que c'est une bonne revue… Mais attention c'est une arnaque..   et je vous en montre d'autres…. Regardez l'email de sollicitation qui est plutôt bien fait :
Dear Dr. Naîf,

I saw your very interesting paper “Bronchioalveolar Lung Cancer: Screening and Overdiagnosis”.

I invite you to submit your next paper on clinical oncology to Oncotarget. Oncotarget launched in May 2010, has received impact factor 6.63 two years in a row. This is the second highest impact factor in the field of Clinical Oncology.

Oncotarget editorial board includes 20 members of National Academy of Sciences USA  and 3 Lasker/Nobel prize winners.


We also can reconsider papers rejected from other high-impact journals based on previous peer-reviews and rebuttal. Such paper can be accepted in 2-3 days after submission and published rapidly in PubMed and open access.

If you are interested in submitting your work, please visit:  http://oncotarget.msubmit.net/cgi-bin/main.plex
You must create a new account first in order to begin the submission process.

With kind regards, On behalf of/ Mikhail Blagosklonny, MD, PhD, Co-Editor, Oncotarget

 Danger, Danger : Je crois qu'il faut en permanence mettre en garde nos collègues car certains se font piéger, et payent 200 ou 400 $ pour publier rapidement dans uen revue qui peut disparaître sans laisser de traces…  Ces revues sont en augmentation, en général avec une fausse adresse aux USA (ces revues viennent souvent d'Inde)…   Regardez Oncotarget qui dit avoir un facteur d'impact de 6,63 pendant 2 années consécutives.. Impossible, et d'ailleurs le facteur d'impact a 3 décimales !!!

Encore d'autres demandes de mai 2015, pour des revues dont certains membres du comité de rédaction n'ont rien à voir avec le thème des revues (souvent ils ne savent pas qu'ils sont sur ces pseudo 'editorial boards') :

Dear Dr. Naïf,

Greetings from the Journal of Infectious & Non Infectious Diseases!

Herald Scholarly Open Access publishes cutting-edge peer reviewed scientific research articles with an aim to enhance new ideas. Journal of Infectious & Non Infectious Diseases, welcomes your submission for the upcoming issue in the field of Communicable and Non-communicable diseases.

Kindly let us know with your opinion and if you are interested, you can submit your article at hjin@heraldopenaccess.com

I would be glad to assist you for any queries. I look forward to hearing from you.


Sarah Kelson, Herald Scholarly Open Access, 2561 Cornelia Rd, #205, Herndon, VA 20171,USA

Et encore un autre :

Dear Dr. Naïf,

Greetings from Journal of Sleep Disorders and Therapy!

It's a great honor for me to consider you as potential author and invite you to contribute a manuscript for consideration and publication in forthcoming Issues of Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy (Volume 4 Issue 3) and Special issues.

You can submit an article (Research, review, Commentary, case report, short communications, conference proceedings or clinical/medical image):

For the Special issue on

“Sleep apnea and cardiovascular health” And “Sleep Medicine: Development in the last decade”


For Regular issue: Volume 4 Issue 3

To access the Journal please visit: http://omicsgroup.org/journals/sleep-disorders-therapy.php

You may submit your paper by e-mail at editor.jsdt@omicsinc.com or online at http://www.editorialmanager.com/medicalsciences/default.aspx in May/June 2015, so that we could process it for the next Issue. If it is not feasible for you at this time, then please let me know your feasible time to contribute.

Your submission is valuable to us,

I request you to kindly respond in this regard,

 With Kind Regards,

Rajinder S, Editorial Assistant, Journal of Sleep Disorder & Therapy, 731 Gull Ave, Foster City, CA 94404, USA

Merci à A Braillon pour le premier exemple, à J Dupouy-Camet pour le second.

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