Les revues prédatrices nous harcèlent encore et encore.. avec des fantômes

Points clés

Nous recevons de nombreuses sollicitations, et je viens d'en recevoir des Annals of Short Reports ! Beau titre du groupe Remedy Publications basé en Inde, avec adresse en Californie. Ils demandent 1 800 $ comme APC (Article Processing Charge). J'ai regardé, Short reports Ed Board et c'est l'horreur..  Ils ont quelques articles très mauvais… et surtout un editorial board avec des experts fantômes (voir image).

J'ai reçu deux emails à 2 heures d'intervalle, avec des signataires différents, en me demandant de faire court si je ne pouvais pas faire long…   et en chirurgie…. :

Dear Dr. H Maisonneuve,

It gives an immense pleasure to invite eminent researcher like you. We on behalf of Annals of Short Reports would like to bring to your kind notice about the Inaugural issue in the field of Surgery. We kindly request you to submit a manuscript for the Inaugural issue of Journal Annals of Short Reports. This Inaugural issue will exclusively contain Case report, Clinical Image, Short communication and Perspective manuscripts.

Kindly submit your manuscript as an email attachment

We are looking forward for a positive reply.

Best Regards,
Gracie P Weaver
Editorial Manager
Annals of Short Reports


Dear Dr. H Maisonneuve,


We tried several times for full length manuscript, but there is no response from you, we would like
to contact you for short manuscripts again!

As an eminent researcher in the fieldof “General Surgery "we kindly request you to submit 2 pages
Editorial/Short Communication/Clinical Image/Letter to Editor Manuscript for the Trending Issue.
We understand your priorities and professional commitments, it would not appropriate at this point
of time to over burden you by asking you to write/ contribute a full length manuscript for this issue.

We could really appreciate when you are collaborating with our journal. Kindly submit your
manuscript as an email attachment. All articles/papers and findings will undergo a meaningful scrutiny
and review by our experts. Please let us know your tentative timeline of manuscript submission.
We look forward to receive your prompt response.

Kind Regards,
Lisa D Williams
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